Using the API

This page details general usage of the API and how to implement it into your code.

Configuring the Server

The server is configured using the file called config.xml. Here is how to use this file:


In this section, you can define a cab to add a phonetic name to use instead the DCC address set up in the decoder’s CV. Cabs are defined in the format:

    <name>name of train</name>
    <address>train address</address>

You can delete the default Train1 and Train2 profiles, these are just included for testing and example purposes.

Server core

This is where the ports etc for the server are set up.


Controls the IP addresses the server will listen to connections on

<!-- sets ip to (all connections) -->

<!-- sets ip to (local only) -->


Controls the TCP/IP port the server listens for connections on

<!-- sets the port to 6789  -->

<!-- sets the port to 1234 -->


Controls which serial port the server attempts to contact the DCC++ BaseStation on.

<!-- sets the port to COM1 -->


This controls whether the debug statements are enabled or not. If enableDebug is set to True, then debug statements will be showen in both the server output and also the console in the browser (accesible via F12 on most browsers, otherwise look for developer tools).